Corporate Events

Planning events for fellow associates, business partners, stakeholders and employees can be challenging.  We have extensive experiencing in helping companies deliver large events, such as conferences and exhibitions to a diverse audience.
Venue Sourcing
Registration Management
Strategy & Financial Planning
Lighting & Staging Production
Onsite Presence
Logistical Planning
Post Event Reporting

our Process


Free Consultation
Meet with one of our Event Managers, for a free one hour consultation which is used to get to know you as a client, and fully understand your brief and desired outcome for you event.   


Strategic Direction
High Demand Events start to build themes and creative ideas for the event considering venue choices, anticipated clientele and attendees. We are also able to assist with all queries and strategy forecasts.


The Journey
Detailed planning of the event day(s) begin to be orchestrated. We will meet several times as required providing you with updates giving you the peace of mind knowing that your company’s event will achieve your desired goals.


Final Destination
Days leading up to and on the day, we do a final walkthrough and running times of all aspects of the day. A dedicated team will be enlisted who will be on hand to provide assistance, management and coordination. We aim to see a successful event for all to remember.


Testimonial Image

"High Demand you are a natural Planner. Very professional and easy to work with. Your team was amazing."
